The Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project is gearing up for our third annual SIP inclusion conference. This virtual conference is set to rev into action on May 9th & 10th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm PST. We invite you to join SIP on this interactive road trip as we transform inclusive visions into practical actions that foster a sense of community and belonging.

The conference will be a merging of visionary minds, featuring esteemed presenters firmly seated in the driver's position, steering us toward innovative inclusion strategies through their expertise and insights. Attendees will gain the tools needed to ignite change and sustain an environment where inclusivity isn't just a concept but a reality. Let's journey together, turning beliefs into actions and setting our compass toward a future where inclusion drives impactful change.

This virtual event is funded by the California Department of Education, and available at no cost to all organizations, educators, families, and students.


Jonathan Mooney

Alycia Anderson

Nicole Tucker-Smith









Cruising to Inclusion with SIP


time iconMay 9, 2024 08:30

Rev your Engines with DJ B Diamond

8:30am to 9:00am PST

Optional session to rev up your engines with DJ B Diamond, network at our social lounge, and check out all the accessibility features.

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 9, 2024 09:00

Opening Remarks and Keynote

9:00am to 9:50am PST

Jonathan Mooney’s work has been featured in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, HBO, NPR, ABC News, New York Magazine, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe. He has spoken in all 50 states and 8 countries on disability and neurodiversity rights and inclusion, inspiring those who live with differences and advocating for change. He is a graduate of Brown University and has published three books: The Short Bus, Learning Outside the Lines, and Normal Sucks.

speaker headshot Jonathan Mooney

time iconMay 9, 2024 09:50

Inclusion Tune Up with DJ B Diamond

9:50am to 10:00am PST

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 9, 2024 10:00

UDL: A Path to the California Alt Pathway to a High School Diploma for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

10:00am to 11:00am PST

Participants will dive into resources using multiple means of representation to gain foundational understanding of the requirements of the CA Alt Pathway to a HS Diploma for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Following this, participants will hear from students (via video, podcasts and articles) who share their experience having access to grade level standards and meaningful inclusion. Participants will then work collaboratively to identify ways that universal design for learning (UDL) framework provides a path for all students to have access to grade level standards, including those with significant cognitive disabilities when layered with individualized accommodations, modifications, and supports.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Kristin Wright
Executive Director of Equity, Diversity, Early Intervention, and Support Services
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Stephanie Coleman
Coordinator of Inclusive Practices and Integrated Systems of Equity, Diversity, Early Intervention and Support Services
time iconMay 9, 2024 10:00

PBIS for ALL: Strategies to Equitably Include Students with Disabilities in Tiered Behavioral Supports

10:00am to 11:00am PST

PBIS is a widely used multi-tiered system for supporting the implementation of evidence based practices that is used by districts and school sites across the nation to improve student outcomes (Sugai & Horner, 2020) . It is widely accepted by general education teachers and administrators and has been adopted by thousands of school sites within California. Research has documented beneficial effects of PBIS implementation including (a) enhanced school climate (Bradshaw et al., 2009), (b) improved academic (Lee & Gage, 2020) and social-emotional (Bradshaw et al., 2012), outcomes, and (c) reduced exclusionary discipline (Bradshaw et al., 2010, 2012). Evidence has demonstrated specific benefits for students with disabilities who have participated in PBIS including (a) increases in prosocial behavior and emotional regulation and (b) decreases in clinical symptoms, aggressive or challenging behavior, attentional problems, and (c) decreases in office referrals, suspensions, physical restraint, and referrals to alternative schools and more restrictive placements (Benner et al., 2010; Bradshaw et al., 2012; Farkas et al., 2012; Gage, Grasley-Boy, et al., 2019; Grasley-Boy et al., 2019; Loman et al., 2017; Simonsen et al., 2010). A recent study conducted in California indicated that students with disabilities who participated in PBIS were 69% less likely to be referred to alternative (more restrictive) settings (Gage, Grasley-Boy, Lombardo., 2017).  Data reveal that SWD, especially those with more extensive support needs, are  not consistently included in site based implementation of PBIS (Kurth & Enyart, 2016; Kurth &Zagona, 2018; Walker et al., 2018) and therefore are not able to equitably access and derive educational benefit from schoolwide tiered behavioral supports. This may be in part due to many myths and misinterpretations about PBIS that prevent it from being implemented with students with disabilities.  This session will dispel many of these myths and provide participants with very practical ways of including SWD in PBIS implementation.  Through the use of Universal Design and High Leverage/Evidence-Based Practices, SWD can very successfully access and benefit from PBIS and realize the promise of this highly effective Multi-Tiered model.  This session is appropriate  for anyone involved in or interested in implementing PBIS at the district and school site levels.

speaker headshot Patricia Schetter
Coordinator of - Social - Emotional - Behavioral Supports and Services
time iconMay 9, 2024 10:00

Leading Inclusive Partnerships for our Schools: Principal Perspectives and Practices

10:00am to 11:00am PST

Participants will engage in a variety of ways to achieve the learning outcomes of this session including the modeling of important community building activities, restorative practices, PBIS strategies, and elements of the CASEL framework. Simultaneously, participants will enhance and add to their toolkit the inclusive thinking and growth mindset required for creating a sense of belonging at school sites, especially sites with co-located classrooms. Attendees should attend this session to work collectively and collaboratively to transform our school sites into inclusive communities that are welcoming to all.

speaker headshot Chad Slife
Coordinator, Center for Access & Engagement
time iconMay 9, 2024 10:00

Educating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Inclusively

10:00am to 11:00am PST

This session will be a combination of a student panel and slide presentations.  Attendees should attend our session because this is a unique opportunity to have dialogue with Deaf and Hard of Hearing students who will share their educational experiences in different classrooms.

speaker headshot Laura T Petersen
Early Education Coordinator
time iconMay 9, 2024 11:00

Inclusion Tune Up with DJBDiamond

11:00am to 11:10am PST

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 9, 2024 11:10

Finding Focus: Cultivating a Countywide Vision for Inclusion

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

In 2019, the Santa Barbara County Education Office and Santa Barbara County SELPA set out on a bold quest: to improve the experiences and outcomes for students with disabilities by developing a community of educational leaders and partners to reimagine the landscape of inclusive education across Santa Barbara County. Today, the thriving Santa Barbara County Inclusion Network incorporates multidisciplinary teams from more than three-quarters of LEAs in the county. Through collective inquiry, shared learning, and collaboration, participating teams dynamically impact the cultural, structural, and instructional practices in their systems while actively improving experiences and outcomes for students throughout the county. This session chronicles the development of the Santa Barbara County Inclusion Network: how the team identified needs, recruited interest and commitment, built a progression of learning experiences, and catalyzed impactful change at a local level.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Rachel Fauver
Director, School & District Support
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Ray Avila
Executive Director
time iconMay 9, 2024 11:10

Moving Toward Rightful Presence

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

This session will engage learners through meaningful reflection, connection, and discussion. The presenter(s) will introduce Rightful Presence as a paradigm shift to support true belonging for all students and educators in schools and classrooms with a particular focus on students who have significant cognitive learning disabilities.  This session will focus on key attributes of systems which support Rightful Presence, sharing examples of this work in schools and districts who are partners with the OSEP Center on Inclusion toward Rightful Presence.  Participants will have the opportunity to connect ideas presented to their own work and role in education -setting next steps to create Rightful Presence in their current reality.

speaker headshot Angie Caster
Assistant Director of Alignment, Implementation, and Measurement
time iconMay 9, 2024 11:10

The Team Lift: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Accessible and Equitable Services for Dually Identified Students

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

This session will offer participants opportunities to explore resources to support their efforts in developing a Multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to serving dually identified students. Building your MDT is an iterative process with opportunities for multiple entry points. This session will support teams, even if you are currently a team of one, to start where you are & consider existing partnerships within your respective LEA, COE, Department, etc. During this session, participants will become familiar with high-leverage resources designed to support the development of an MDT.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Lupita Olguin-Rubio
Project Coordinator
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Vanessa Lopez
Project Coordinator
time iconMay 9, 2024 11:10

How To Help Parents Plan for Postsecondary Inclusion

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

Teachers work hard to ensure inclusion during a learner’s school years. But what happens when the learner leaves school? Research has shown that one of the best indicators of a young adult’s success is the job or internship they had in high school. Parents Helping Parents will discuss how teachers (and parents) can build robust Individual Transition Plans (ITPs) which incorporate inclusive activities in the community to ensure inclusion follows youth into future education, employment, and independent living.  

Parents of young adults with disabilities who have worked for a combined 35+ years with families of children with diverse needs will share:

  • ITP tips and resources for professionals and parents.
  • A Top Ten List of what parents would love professionals to know about transition planning from their perspective.
  • Reasons why inclusion in and out of school promotes independence.
  • Transition to adulthood stories – who doesn’t love a good story?
speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Alyssa DiFilippo
Strategic Projects Manager
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Debbie Drennan
Assistive Technology Consultant
time iconMay 9, 2024 12:10


12:10pm to 12:40pm PST

Refuel & Recharge with DJ B Diamond 

time iconMay 9, 2024 12:40

Keynote & Closing Remarks

12:40pm - 2:00pm PST

Nicole Tucker-Smith is founder and CEO of Lessoncast, global presenter on Universal Design for Learning, and author of Supercharge Your Professional Learning: 40 Concrete Strategies to Improve Adult Learning. At Lessoncast, the team of expert facilitators guide systemwide implementation of UDL, diverse representation in curriculum, and impactful professional development (PD). She also leads the Jumpstart PD Network, hosts the podcast Did We Learn Anything, and offers materials that promote representation and educator wellness on DiverseDecor.Store. In addition, Nicole co-chairs the UDL Rising to Equity Initiative focused on updating the UDL Guidelines 3.0. Nicole is a former teacher, supervisor of parent support services, principal and systemwide coordinator of professional development for Baltimore County Public Schools, and faculty member for Johns Hopkins University School of Education.

Learn more at Lessoncast.com. Follow on LinkedIn, Twitter/X: @MsTuckerSmtih, Instagram: SchooledbyNicole

speaker headshot Nicole Tucker-Smith

time iconMay 10, 2024 08:30

Rev your Engines with DJ B Diamond

8:30am to 9:00am PST

Optional session to rev up your engines with DJ B Diamond, network at our social lounge, and check out all the accessibility features.

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 10, 2024 09:00

Opening Remarks and Keynote

9:00am to 9:50am PST

Meet Bella Santoyo, Otto Lana and William Del Rosario. Collectively, we are the MOD Squad. MOD stands for Mastering Our Destiny. Together we’re showing the world what can be done when given access to communication and the opportunities to use it. We met in a social skills class, but very soon began to challenge our teachers by letting them know we wanted experiences that were real. We fast became “type-ical” friends who planned fun adventures. Each time we go somewhere we make sure we bring our letter boards or AAC that enables us to have real conversations with the community and freely set the communication expectation. One typer can seem unique, but three together are a force that ignites change. We hope that you’ll join us in our mission to make communication accessible for all.

speaker headshot Mod Squad

time iconMay 10, 2024 09:50

Inclusion Tune Up with DJ B Diamond

9:50am to 10:00am PST

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 10, 2024 10:00

The Preparation to Adulthood From High School Years

10:00am to 11:00am PST

Three high school seniors and a young adult with ASD will be main presenters. A special education professor with 41 yrs of teaching experience and personal experience of raising her own son with multiple disabilities will facilitate the panel. They will be sharing their special education experiences and wishes of adulthood where they want to get into with attendees. They will explain the specific ways of how their special education teachers and relevant specialists can support their preparation so that they can move on to a higher education or successful independent living stage.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: EunMi Cho
California State University, Sacramento
speaker headshot Jared Andrew MacGee
Church Volunteer
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Justin Yoon
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Edison Jun
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Destin Yoon
time iconMay 10, 2024 10:00

A Journey to Inclusion through Co-Teaching

10:00am to 11:00am PST

For many aiming to create more inclusive learning environments, co-teaching can be a powerful tool to ensure students with disabilities have access to high-quality instruction in the general education classroom. A strong leadership team and strategic planning are crucial to designing and redesigning a system that supports co-teaching. In this presentation, you will learn from two district leaders sharing their unique journey from envisioning to building and scaling co-teaching processes and practices across their LEA/districts.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Dr. Colleen Myers
Director of Educational Services
speaker headshot Co Presenter: Bhavna Narula
Director of Student Services
time iconMay 10, 2024 10:00

Come with us on an IEP Journey - pack for what you know and learn as you go!

10:00am to 11:00am PST

The IEP is not a place, specific forms or specific people - it's a process, NO it’s a journey!  Together we will walk you through a journey of the IEP process and how to initiate and sustain meaningful participation before, during and after the IEP meeting. We will look through three distinct lenses - the family, the student and the educators to lift what it truly means to have “meaningful participation.” Together let’s create a sense of belonging for all IEP team members and honor their individual contributions to create connection and authenticity that encourages participation. With equity of participation we can develop high-quality student-focused IEPs that lead to educational benefit. We are better together!

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Jennifer. Yales, Ed.D.
Executive Consultant
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Noreen Lippincott
Program Administrator
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Sara Wildman
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Heather DiFede
Executive Director
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Leo Mapagu
Executive Director
time iconMay 10, 2024 10:00

Maximizing Embedded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) in the Inclusive Classroom

10:00am to 11:00am PST

Session includes active facilitation leading to participation and engagement using technology, such as PearDeck, Padlet with resources, Videos, activities, reflection, and key resources.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Therese Snyder
Director of Professional Learning
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Katie Johnson
Statewide Implementation Coach Program Manager
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Christina Daffron

time iconMay 10, 2024 11:00

Inclusion Tune Up with DJ B Diamond

11:00am to 11:10am PST

speaker headshot DJ B Diamond

time iconMay 10, 2024 11:10

Cultivating Community: A Principal's Journey Towards An Inclusive School

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

Attendees are encouraged to attend because it promises practical, impactful, and immediate takeaways that can be implemented right away as an educational leader. Learn from an experienced principal who has successfully implemented inclusive practices at a large elementary school. Gain insights into real-world strategies that have made a positive difference in fostering inclusivity. This session is not just about theory; it's about equipping you with tools you can use immediately in your educational leadership role. If you're looking for actionable strategies, direct impact, and the chance to hear firsthand from a successful principal, this seminar is a must-attend. Be prepared to leave with practical ideas and a renewed sense of purpose in creating inclusive environments within your community.

speaker headshot Dr. Amanda Goll
time iconMay 10, 2024 11:10

Embracing Universal Design for Learning with an Implementation Science Perspective

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

Understanding the synergy between Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Implementation Science, schools who utilize this combination can significantly improve educational outcomes for all students. Using the basics of Implementation Science, Open Access is poised to support educators in their Universal Design for Learning journey. When we honor learner variability and design to minimize barriers to learning, we create environments that are primed for inclusion, access and learner agency, the cornerstones of UDL. 

In this Universally Designed session, where we will provide participants with tools to assess their school’s readiness level, and progress towards deeper and sustainable UDL implementation. Participants will engage with a variety of tools to examine current needs to create a practical action plan for UDL implementation in their context.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Laurie Balsano Wright
Coordinator, Facilitated Improvement and Support
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Leah Padilla
Coordinator, Facilitated Improvement and Support
time iconMay 10, 2024 11:10

Using Networked Improvement to Improve the IEP Process

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

This session will introduce participants to networked improvement and how it is being used to improve the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process, collaboration with families, and the inclusion of students in the IEP process.

speaker headshot Jasmine Vance
Improvement Facilitator
time iconMay 10, 2024 11:10

An Inclusive Journey: Five Years on the Road Towards Inclusive PK-12 Education

11:10am to 12:10pm PST

Buckle up and join leaders from Poway Unified School District share their ongoing journey toward building a more inclusive education for each and every student in PK-12. The team will offer insight into systems change practices, including district level support teams for classified and certificated staff and the creation of a set of inclusive cultural beliefs and values. In addition, they will share the power of carpooling-with both individual school teams and partnerships with Universities, to create sustainable change.

speaker headshot Lead Presenter: Michelle Jilly
Program Specialist II
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Kellie Moore
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Megan Gross
Inclusive Practices Teacher on Special Assignment
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Laura Snow
Inclusive Practices Teacher on Special Assignment
speaker headshot Co-Presenter: Nancy Brundrett
Lead Classified on Special Assignment (COSA)
time iconMay 10, 2024 12:10


12:10pm to 12:40pm PST

Refuel & Recharge with DJ B Diamond 

time iconMay 10, 2024 12:40

Keynote & Closing Remarks

12:40pm to 2:00pm PST

Alycia Anderson is an international TEDx motivational speaker, disability advocate, DEI & accessibility corporate inclusion champion, podcast host of Pushing Forward with Alycia and founder / CEO of The Alycia Anderson Company, LLC. Alycia’s company focuses on the education and advocacy of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace & in education. Alycia was recently awarded 2022 Employee Business Resource Group (EBRG) Program of the Year. Alycia holds a European Master’s Degree in Adapted Physical Education emphasizing the benefits, practices and principles of inclusion. She is a tennis player, cyclist, identical twin and has been a wheelchair user since birth. Alycia shares her journey globally to help companies and organizations understand the true benefits inherent to building a diverse, inclusive and accessible workplace and society. Shining light on how our diversities are core to the qualities that make each of us uniquely qualified and able in life.

speaker headshot Alycia Anderson


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Our conference will be 100% free of charge to attend.

Last year’s conference was a great success virtually and accessible to all, so we wanted to provide another virtual experience to our participants. Hope to see you there!

All educators, staff, families and students are welcome.

American Sign Language (ASL), closed captioning, and Spanish interpretation will be available. If you have any questions or require additional accommodations, please email our team at connect@sipinclusion.org at least seven business days prior to the event.